The Tulare County Association of Governments is seeking interested Dinuba residents to fill the vacant position for the City of Dinuba on the Measure R Citizens' Oversight Committee. On November 7, 2006, the voters of Tulare County approved Measure R, imposing a 1/2 cent sales tax for transportation within the incorporated and unincorporated area of Tulare County for the next 30 years. The transportation measure will generate slightly more than $652 million over 30 years to Tulare County’s transportation needs. The Measure R Citizens' Oversight Committee is tasked with overseeing the funding and ongoing expenditures for Measure R.
The City of Dinuba is developing a Vision Zero Action Plan. This Plan will guide policies and programs with the goal of eliminating traffic crashes that result in fatalities and severe injuries along Dinuba's roadways. The City of Dinuba Vision Zero initiative strives to improve safety for everyone traveling around the city, whether walking, cycling, driving, or riding public transit, and to improve the identified high-crash injury locations. The Vision Zero Action Plan sets an ambitious long-term goal to prioritize safety along Dinuba's roadways with Vision Zero programs and incorporate a multidisciplinary Safe System approach.
The City of Dinuba is applying for grant funds to implement walking and biking improvements throughout the city. We want to hear from students and parents about their current walking/biking habits, and concerns regarding walking and biking to/from Dinuba schools. Please let us know your thoughts in the survey below.
The City of Dinuba is preparing plans to design and install new walking and biking trails in the community. In order to provide the best service to Dinuba residents, the following survey has been developed to help collect feedback fromt he community. This brief, 7 question survey will only take a minute or two to complete and provides valuable input to help guide the process for new community trails. Thank you for your input.
Please pass this information along.
The local weather forecast indicates temperatures over 100 degrees over the next week.
Drink plenty of water, wear light, loose fitting clothing and take frequent breaks while performing outdoor activities.
Due to COVID-19 related closures, the following cooling centers are:available:
Dial 211 from your telephone to learn about additional resources available.
Saturday, April 24, 2021
7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday, April 24, 2021
7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Vacant lot on Ave. 406 (adjacent to Sierra Vista High School)
Traffic will be directed to access the site by heading east on Avenue 406
The Dinuba Small Business Stabilization Program (SBSP) is designed to promote economic stability by providing immediate relief in the form of a one-time forgivable loan for essential operating expenses to Dinuba small businesses negatively impacted by COVID-19.
The goals of this program are:
1. Help small businesses survive the COVID-19 crisis.
2. Retain employment and continue to pay employees.
3. Maintain the provision of goods and services for Dinuba residents.
For more information, Dinuba small businesses are encouraged to visit the program application page via the link below:
The California Department of Housing and Community Development (Department) is pleased to announce that the City of Dinuba has been awarded a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in the amount of $3.5 million for the North Dinuba Infrastructure Improvements Project.
NOTICE IS HERERBY GIVEN, pursuant to California Government code §54974 that vacancies exists for the following boards and commissions:
Historic Preservation Commission:
One (1) at-large position
Dinuba Economic Development Commission:
Two (2) positions with terms expiring (1) in December 2020 and (1) in December 2021.
In times of adversity in our world, we must stand together as a community to promote and protect the universal and indivisible human rights and fundamental freedoms of all. The City of Dinuba is committed to fostering the full enjoyment of life, without discrimination, for all. Resolution No. 2020-35 reaffirms the City of Dinuba's and the Dinuba City Council's commitment to racial equality, racial equality, and human and civil rights for all.
Funds to pay for ‘Phase 1’ of storm drain improvements to mitigate flooding issues in the Downtown.
(Dinuba, CA) – For many years, the City of Dinuba, has attempted to secure funding from a variety of different sources to fund the much-needed storm drain improvements in the Downtown. Today, city staff received written notice that the City of Dinuba has been awarded a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in the amount of $3,000,000 for the Kern St. Storm Drain Project.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the Dinuba City Council scheduled for July 23, 2019, at 6:30 p.m. is hereby cancelled.
The next regular meeting of the Dinuba City Council is scheduled for Tuesday, August 13, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall Council Chambers, 405 E El Monte Way, Dinuba CA 93618.
I, Linda Barkley, City Clerk, hereby certify that a true and correct, accurate copy of the foregoing notice was posted at the following locations: City Hall, 405 E El Monte Way; Dinuba Police Department 680 S Alta Avenue and on the City’s website at
Mosquitoes samples from Dinuba have not tested positive for West Nile Virus
DINUBA, CA – Delta Vector Control District (DVCD) is conducting routine surveillance for mosquito-borne disease and nuisance mosquitoes throughout the district, including regions where ponding basins are located. To date, no mosquito sample from 2019 has tested positive for West Nile Virus.
Saturday October 20th, 2018
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Nebraska Park - Jimmy Low Community Dog Park
1000 E. Nebraska Ave
The City of Dinuba is currently developing three multimodal projects designed to improve traffic safety on all City streets.
Click the links below for information about these projects and how you can partner with us to improve safety in our community. Thank you in advance!
City of Dinuba Complete Streets Project Survey